Think Differently

The way you think frames everything in your life. Thinking differently could change everything you are experiencing. Where your mind goes, life follows because your mind creates your perspective. We often focus on the things we are not doing successfully, things we didn’t do at all, or things that didn’t go to plan.

This can sound like “I failed,” “I’m terrible at this,” or “This is not good enough.” What would happen if you focused on possibilities and opportunities to learn that these “failures” offered you? A positive mindset focused on growth and thinking differently can show you where to improve. Any challenge or setback holds limitless potential for forward progress once you think and reframe it as a learning experience.

Black background white neon text: Think About Things Differently

The Brain is the Most Powerful Tool We Have

Thoughts lead to reality – if you can see your dream, you improve your ability to achieve it. The brain and ability to think are your greatest tools to reaching your goals. Imagine it, believe in it, and keep taking action on it.

Learn more about dreams, goals and How Do You Reach a Goal in this post!

Imagine It Differently in Your Mind

Imagining is a powerful tool to change your thinking. One form of imagining is the practice of visualization. Here are a few practices that support visualization:

  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Idea or Vision Boards

Let’s take a closer look at these practices and how they support imagination and thinking differently! If you are looking for ways to use these practices to support your goals, you may be interested in Mindset Coaching.


Journaling is a powerful practice to help bring your thoughts and goals to you. In your mind it is a thought, written down it is an objective, and when you give it a timeframe you have a goal. Actively writing an idea down helps the brain form the idea more than just thinking alone. You can also use a journal to set SMART goals and track your progress towards them.

Journaling is a powerful way to document your thoughts and think differently


Meditation is a practice that helps clear your mind of thoughts. You are training your mind to be aware of your thoughts during this type of practice. It it not meant to “turn off” your thinking, only to become more aware of what you are focusing on in your thoughts.

A practice that goes back thousands of years, mediation is often used to create a sense of calm of well being. When you regularly meditate, even if it is for short periods each day, you may begin to notice that you prioritize your thoughts and feelings differently. You may begin to examine your thoughts and realize which thoughts are not serving your goals.

Meditation garden with water, concrete lantern and blooming azaleas are places to practice ability to think differently

There are many, many different ways to practice meditation and different focuses with each. Some incorporate movement, some focus on being still, some utilize mantras, and most emphasize acceptance. There are even gardens dedicated solely to encouraging meditation. Experiment and find the meditation practice that feels best and expands thinking for you.

Idea or Vision Boards

This is a visual representation of your idea or thought. You can create a vision board by associating pictures of items or quotes that relate to your vision. You can create a board either physically with images and quotes on paper or through digital means.

Meditation garden with water, concrete lantern and blooming azaleas are places to practice ability to think differently

Whether you create a digital or paper version, one of the best ways to create an impact with your board is to place it somewhere that you will see it ever day. It should reinforce your thoughts and encourage and inspire you.

Believe Differently with your Thoughts

You may share your dream with others. They may not see it or believe in it. Believe in it anyway and keep your dream in focus. While you need to keep an awareness of external factors that may impact your actions, your opinion and belief must be strong to think differently. Learn to differentiate between opinions and fact.


An opinion is simply how someone feels or perceives something. It does not have any fact based merit and is solely unique to the person that holds it. An opinion is someone’s judgment or belief on an issue.

It cannot be proven or disproven because it is not based in fact, although an opinion may be swayed by facts. Interestingly, research shows even the most intelligent people’s opinions may not be changed when presented with facts.


A fact is something that is known to be true or has been proven. It is supported by evidence and is something that actually exists or occurs. Facts can be verified and are not considered to be objective in nature.

Of all the beliefs you could hold, belief in your ability to accomplish your dream may be the most challenged when your share your dream with others. One way to reinforce self-belief is to remember the reason why you have this dream. Think about what this dream means to you, what you will accomplish for yourself and, even more powerfully, for others with your dream.

Take Different Thoughtful Action

While you need to imagine and believe in your dream, remember that nothing happens by just imagining and believing. You need to take action. Starting always wins over planning.

Start now and take action: repeatedly, consistently and even when you feel doubt. Just keep going. Small steps lead to great journeys. Keep moving forward every single day.

Your brain ? is powerful. Make sure it is working for you!

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