Prepare for Your Purpose

Sunset with trees and text: Prepare for Your Purpose

You possess special gifts and talents that are specific to you as a person. How do you identify and prepare for your purpose? Picture anyone in an elite area of their field. Many knew their calling early in life, and some realized after pursuing an entire career that they had a talent that had gone untapped.

Whether they began preparing young or changed paths later in life, they did NOT arrive overnight. This could be the same for you. If you have not yet experienced your spotlight, your purpose may still feel unknown. This “not knowing” may make you feel uneasy and restless, always searching for more. Or, you may be unaware or unwilling to pursue beyond your current situation. Either way, the activities and experiences you are having before the spotlight are preparing, growing, and focusing you for your path ahead.

Elevated stage lights

Elite champions, like you, remain in a competition with themselves. They prepare.

Get Ready

The dictionary definition of preparation is “the process of getting something ready for use or a particular purpose.”

If you are not clear on your purpose, preparing will be difficult. The first step to creating your plan is to determine what is calling you and WHY you want to change. What needs to be different? How will you benefit from the change and why does this drive you? When you know the answer to these questions, the actions you need to make will become clearer.

Topiary in form of question mark on island surrounded by four palm trees and water

Get Set

After developing your clear idea of your why for action, preparation is key to success. What that preparation will look like is different for every purpose. Once you know your purpose related to mental and physical fitness, we can guide you to the perfect change plan for you.

One way to prepare is to set goals for yourself. Read our blog How Do You Reach a Goal to learn more!

GO! And Keep Going

Once you identify and prepare for YOUR purpose, the next step is to execute the plan.

The path to success may seem long. But every win along the way matters. Keep after it, continue to prepare, and take action to place yourself in the best position for tomorrow.

Red white green and blue fireworks

Whether are looking for assistance to identify your goals, explore your talents or develop a talent you have already identified, we can help! Check out our mindset coaching services.

Celebrate your wins! Repeated actions are what you need to continue building upward.

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